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런던 리치몬드대학 K-문화와 한인코 극찬

페이지 정보

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작성일 :

24-04-15 10:11


Amazing Korean Cultural Experience

What a wonderful event!  It was fantastic to see so many in the University community and beyond experiencing a cultural event on our campus organised by the London Sejong Institute with the Korean Traditional Culture Centre.

The Hanbok and Hanji workshop included professional models from Korea who were wearing a Hanbok (traditional Korean attire) while in the Hanji workshop, students, staff and visitors learned the art of making traditional Korean paper art.

A selection of Korean desserts were also on offer to make everyone’s day even sweeter.

Two people stand smiling beside a traditional Korean hanbok on a mannequin, with a sign for the King Sejong Institute Foundation in the background.
Three people in traditional Korean attire, known as hanbok, stand before a screen displaying text related to the King Sejong Institute Foundation.
Three people in traditional Korean attire stand before an electronic display promoting cultural experiences. They are wearing colorful hanboks with intricate designs.

Thank you to all those who organized this wonderful event and to all the participants.

If you’d like to continue the Korean cultural experience, check out the Korean language courses on offer with the London Sejong Institute.



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문의전화063-275-9030 (평일 오전 9시~오후 6시까지)
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